Do sth its too heavy and doesnt work right after update
Do sth its too heavy and doesnt work right after update
Issa great app
Why did you shut down vine!!????
When I try to tweet from my Apple Watch twitter app, it crashes after I press compose ¿ ?
Thanks to its leaders.
These recent updates for Twitter are awesome. Twitter is here to stay!
Whats there to say?
Twitter does not enforce a no abuse or harassment policy. There are way too many hate and abuse Tweets not moderated. Total anti-social.
As a teacher I connect daily with other educators and education thought leaders throughout the country via Twitter. I ask questions and get answers. I pose problems of teaching practice and get suggestions. I share ideas and get feedback. I share struggles of practice and get resources. Twitter has changed my perception of how professional development could be structured. Twitter chats have become my preferred, self-directed style of learning in a virtual setting. If youre a teacher and not on Twitter, youre missing a big opportunity to grow.
Love being able to access it all day at work!
It all my news and much more. Twitter is the best.
Web links open in Twitter browser. Between Facebook and Twitter doing this junk Im about to lose my marbles. Deleted app. Not using the service anymore. Too intrusive and NO OPTION to do otherwise.
This is better then MySpace!
Hands down my favourite app!
Its alright
Useful and informative means of gathering information. Thank you
Great source and things have improved but room for much more improvement. Need to stop counting at least some of whom replying to in the 140 characters. Great now that you can re-quote without it being counted. Organization/compartmentalization desperately needed so you can easily get to those you follow. If you click a link, lose place where you were reading tweets. Etc....
My twitter keeps saying I have a notification but when I check it there is no notification. When I exit the app the notification reappears. Please fix issue
There needs to be a place within the app where I can view notifications for the users whom I elect to receive tweet notifications from. As it stands now, all tweets are viewed in the same location regardless of whether or not you subscribe to receive user tweet notifications.
Cool, funny, amazing to chat and give comments on everything, every topics. Make known what we think at any moment whitout any crashes...the app is stable