Censorship Prevalent
I would have given it 3 stars but the use of selected censorship dropped it to 2 for me. If I name the topic(s) theyre censoring here, my rating will be censored. Because of this, I also use another gabby platform where freedom of speech is welcome and I can talk about the cover up of the harmful invasive species from the Middle East and the political administrations successes.
The function of this app has its upside and downsides. I can quickly see conversations but its difficult to go back to them if I need to grab an image to include. Updates to new/other conversations rip away what youre reading and you cant get back- super frustrating.
Chances are now that Ive given this rating, my account will suffer but I was continually prompted to give a rating so I have. An honest one - but now Ill pay for that honesty.
Welcome to this platform where you will conform or be restricted by ideologies of the people that have very little value for the knowledge of the elders who came before them. They have been tricked yet they do not know it.
Vstil about
X, v7.3.2