Where do I begin...
A liberals perfect platform! Perfect for those who have no depth of thought, strength of character, or any care of truth. You can blast anyones opinion but just dont offend with the truth, logic, common sense or critical thought past the tweet. You can select the tweet that suits your narrative and ignore the thread itself without ever having to worry about the truth or even what the thread was really about in the first place. Teachers, preachers, terrors and terrorists alike can say what the want and communicate with like minds with little caring about who is watching because you simply make 10 different accounts and you can be ten different people. The end of the world will be reduced to 140 characters or less and the devil will rejoice with the liberal progressive democrat who tweeted it! It could have been great but instead Twitter chose to become just another way to control man. Blue pill progressives who are morally and spiritually bankrupt use Twitter to spread lies and hatred without accountability, Red pill conservatives use twitter to thwart progressive lies and to spread truth despite main stream media fake news lies, mischaracterizations, and deceptions. You can be blocked with one misrepresented tweet and banned if your too effective in your argument.
Knarf W about
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