The app works the way I need it. I havent found any glitches or issues. Its one of my go-to apps.
The app works the way I need it. I havent found any glitches or issues. Its one of my go-to apps.
Learning the steps. Hope to use this to effect positive change.
I can no longer use this app because I have restrictions on your phone because you changed the age rating on it. Please make changes to make it so people with restrictions on their phone can use this app again.
why did you change the rating I cant open the app anymore thanks a lot Instagram has the same stuff yet its rated 12+
Worse censorship than Facebook
Please change the rating back so I can enjoy the app again
What is this sensitive tweet content bs I see when Im trying to find some spicy memes on world star hip hops page? The only reason people use this app is for the memes
Why did u change it to 17
I get on twitter everyday
No problem using truly enjoy being up to date on happenings and opinions.
Twitter why is it 17 and up, now its restricted on my phone, CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!
I went to log on to my account When clicking on the app it disappeared can u please fix this thanks
I like the app but just wish it would separate my tweets and my retweets.
I loved this app until they put a 17+ rating on it, so now I cant even use it. Cmon please It was my fav app. Put the age restriction down.
Why is it 17+ now?? Plz change it
Very nice app
Theres a tab that covers the words on a post with videos or photos that reads "This Tweet may include potentially sensitive content" even if it isnt.
I like it but its hard to tweet specific people on a mobile
Says it in da title
I like the app because i have more privacity ..