X App Reviews

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You can express what you feel without thinking about what others will think about you.

favorite social media:)

twitter is my favorite social media, because it is very easy to keep up with current events, to know whats up with your favorite celebrities, and to have a laugh:)

1 star

1 star until we can use lists as our timeline.

Twitter review

5 star. Easy and quick

Why with the rate change

I love twitter it is how I know when a YouTuber is posting a video but since its rated 17+ I cant use it and you have lost a lot of people that had this app cause kids manly use this app to keep track of there favorite YouTuber just add a restriction on the app so parents can just put a parental code to keep there kids off the bad thing or just get rid of all the bad thing on twitter come on people it isnt rocket science just do it to get all of the kids and bring your review up cause at the rate your going you guys are going to go down to a 2 star rated app so people will not want to download your app and if they already have it they will delete it because it is a trash app it will happen just wait you will die cause of the new rating of the app

Sound notification

Why is it you wont fix the app so the sound notification Ive chosen works? Ive read this is affecting a good number of folks.

Take it down

Why did you have to bring the app up to 17+, I have restrictions on and I dont know the password so can you please bring it back down to 12+ cause I love twitter, youre gonna lose tons of people that are not 17 and older

Very Good


Change the age rating back to 12+.

Youre becoming less and less user friendly when you abruptly cut off some of your demographic. Change the age rating back or youre making a huge mistake business-wise.

More and More Useful

Twitter is my primary source for news, weather, and sports. It is also great for sharing pics and keeping in touch with friends in real time. Twitter is surprisingly good at helping me find new friends and helping me make important professional contacts. Recently, I am finding Twitter to be very useful for helping me keep up with new and breaking medical research. I have also found that attending national and international medical meetings virtually through Twitter (from the comfort of home or office) is information-dense and time efficient. I am told that actively using Twitter while attending these meetings really enriches the experience and increases the learnings, and also results in virtual contacts/friends becoming real in-person friends. Twitter out-performs all other social media platforms. No other social media platform does all of these things, or does them as well, as Twitter, and Twitters capabilities and usefulness just keep increasing.


Give it a new look + an edit button

Problem needs attention

Security problem , I belong to the RESISTANCE and have given my views on Twitter but this morning,Jan 8,2017 I am locked out of my account. Ive given my views on dt and P. Think they may be retaliating? Please check, serious problem if this new administration is blocking VOICES! Also, after downloading update I now cant get my pics on twitter!


Ever since 2 updates ago Ive been unable to load videos. Every time it tries, it will look like its loading, then will display a message saying, "content is not available"

Twitter is the best social platform

I love using Twitter. Its easy to keep up with current events and topics important to me. And, the best part, it can be so funny!

Thumbs up

Very good, better than facebook???

Not so good

I cant undo my old retweets, please fix this problem asap. Im starting to hate Twitter because of this smh!


I find it so funny how little kids are whining that it disappeared like gosh grow up. Plus its pretty good the age limit thing went up cuz theres some crazy stuff on twitter thats like for adults... so yea



Change the rating

By changing the rating of the app, you basically punished all teenagers whose parents have reasonable parental controls on their devices. The app restriction pops up saying you have to allow explicit settings. I am not a teen but have kids who are and who use Twitter responsibly but now cannot unless I remove the app age restriction. If Twitter is planning on going to explicit content as the norm, they should then only allow those over 17 to subscribe for a twitter account (and will lose a good many of us over 17 as well). Frankly, if someone can open an account age wise, then the app should be accessible at that age.

Latest version busted the app.

So apparently every picture that is part of a tweet is considered to have sensitive content and i cant see the words to any of the pictures without opening them.

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