Can we please get an edit button to edit tweets !
Can we please get an edit button to edit tweets !
I’ve been a huge Twitter user for around 6 years now, and I’m really glad we now have the bookmarking feature. However, I feel as though we should be able to sort the tweets within the bookmarks, like lists, but for tweets instead of accounts. It’s like a giant mess of tweets if we use the feature often, and I think we should be able to sort them. Thanks for that feature regardless, I was getting tired of tweeting stuff to myself.
I’ve noticed that my keyboard shortcuts for autocorrect aren’t recognized more often than not now. Hopefully this is addressed in future updates.
All of a sudden I can’t tweet memories. It just constantly says “failed to send” then sends it to my drafts. I can’t even do it from the mobile site either. I’m having to use another app for that. Also, it never restarts where I left off. That is annoying. There should be an option for the “in case you missed it” mess. It just clutters the timeline. This is annoying. Please fix it.
Bring back the profile tab at the bottom of the screen please… wayyyyy more convenient.
Where is the time line, no tweets received after updating this app.
We all are witness to history, the rise of Twitter and Facebook and Reddit as totalitarian regimes on the Internet; the fist Techtalitarians, if you will. They do all the same things as all other totalitarian and authoritarian despots did in the past, controlling speech and information, propagandizing massive mobs of goons. It’s all there and they either don’t realize it or are active conspirators in the ideological subversion and cultural suicide that will inevitably lead to real atrocities. This was all described quite clearly by Yuri Bezmenov, the defected KGB agent described they would, that warned people that the communists and their Muslim allies would use the very ideological subversion against the west that Twitter is an enemy conspirator.
It KEEPS crashing. You guys only allow certain tweets to pop up when searched. Accounts are being suspended for practically nothing yet you guys let white supremacists run rampent
So sad that twitter obviously has ties with Russia with their millions of fake bot accounts (19million which follow Trump lol) and Twitter is obviously in the pockets and hands of Trump. Its DISGUSTING Twitter is doing this and is so blindly biased. I’d love to take down its CEO in charge of this Russian mindwashing of Americans
i refuse to use twitter DMs or twitter in general until there is an unsend feature like instagram
I keep getting a message that a code will be sent to my phone but I never receive it. Contacted support team but it doesn’t look promising so far.
- “What You May Have Missed” keeps you engaged with important stories - Trends are becoming more and more relevant - Stories are super fun and quick to read - Posting and sharing is always easy About the only thing that still needs work is real engagement from followers. If you don’t have a huge following, say of at least 50,000 real users or more, engagement is hard to obtain! This could become the eventual Achille’s Heel... I also like the fact that Twitter is removing many fake or inactive users. This actually lowered my Followers by around 30%. That kind of hurts, but it totally makes sense. One thing for sure: It’s an app that one can’t seem to stop using!
Twitter algorithms shadowban certain accounts, making it so not a single person will ever see any of your tweets. Unless you spend money to promote on their app, you’re wasting your time. They even go as far as showing your app to have a pending update, and once updated, the only thing it does is it shadow bans your accounts on your device without your knowledge. Best of luck to Twitter with their new artificial (anti-)intelligence system.
Ever since 2013 I’ve wanted an edit button and still have not yet got one come onnn??
I just wish there was a way us “users” can make an income from using Twitter daily. Twitter would also be better if the verification process was less strict.
Another new version, another review deleted. Even after allegedly implementing new rules, Twitter is still a home and safe haven for hate speech, sexism, and sexual harassment from sex-pests and child molesters LARPing as feminists and social justice advocates, all of which is endorsed and approved by Twitter, as long as your posted opinions online are left/liberal leaning enough. Twitter offers a new feature: after saying something that can easily get you suspended or banned, you can make your account ‘protected’ or ‘private’ so people can’t report you for your blatant and willful ToS violations. Then you can quietly delete your offensive tweet(s) and lie about ever posting them, again, as long as your posted opinions online are left leaning enough. Another new feature: in order to protect Twitter approved hate the reporting options have changed from specific violations (targeted harassment for example) that have to be handled based on that specific rule, to vague categories (spam) where the rule violation gets to be decided, or more often ignored, by Twitter staff.
I don’t like the subject of stories in Twitter because it kind of silly subjects which i’m not interested about !! Like many other people ..
I used to love Twitter; it was my favorite social media platform. But now I cant even make an account for an upcoming event at my university without it getting suspended. This is absolutely ridiculous. I hate this.
Why can’t I retweet a Moment if I attach an emoji to my tweet with it?? It gives me the option to go to drafts, retry, or be okay with the fact I can’t tweet out the moment! And no matter how many times I try to tweet it I can’t! Fix this!!! It’s super annoying!!
I have the latest version of Twitter but I still don’t have the new bookmark button. Otherwise this is a 5 star app. Please fix this ASAP.